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The Diocese is committed to safeguarding as an integral part of the life and ministry of the Church. Supported by and in compliance with the policies and procedures of the Catholic Safeguarding Advisory Service of England and Wales, we are striving towards a culture of safeguarding where all are safe from harm and abuse and where everyone is encouraged and enabled to enjoy the fullness of life In Jesus Christ through the prayerful, nurturing, supportive and protective endeavours of the Catholic Community, both individually and collectively.

It is the firm expectation of the Bishop, Trustees and Safeguarding Commission that all those working with vulnerable groups including children, young people or adults at risk, undertake Diocesan Safeguarding Awareness Training. This is not dependent on their role being eligible for a DBS check. The Diocesan Safeguarding Commission fully expects all those engaged in this important ministry to complete the mandatory training. Completion of this training is required if individuals wish to continue working with vulnerable groups.

For those who have completed diocesan face-to-face training in the last 3 years, their training requirements are up to date. Those who have not completed diocesan Safeguarding Training in the last 3 years must complete the relevant online EduCare/Tes module(s):

  • If they are involved in ministry with Children they must complete the EduCare Child Protection module.
  • If they are involved in ministry with Vulnerable Adults/Adults at Risk (e.g. as an Extra Ordinary Minister of Holy Communion) they must complete the EduCare Safeguarding Adults module.
  • If they are engaged in online Ministry they must complete the EduCare Online Safety module.

Our Safeguarding Officer at Holy Family is Mrs Catherine Cassin. If you have any queries, questions or concerns relating to safeguarding at Holy Family Church, she can be contacted at or on 01932 848616.


Safe Spaces

Safe Spaces is a free, national support service independently run by First Light.  It provides a confidential, personal and safe space for anyone who has been abused through their relationship with either the Church of England or the Catholic Church of England and Wales.Safe Spaces comprises a team of trained support advocates, who are Independent Sexual Violence Advisors and who have received additional specific training in how the church responds to abuse cases, the way in which faith and church-related settings have been used to carry out abuse, and the particular issues affecting people who have had or still have, a relationship with the church.The service provides remote support through the organisation’s helpline, live chat facility and website. Remote support is provided for as long as the survivor needs. This can include advocating for the survivor, providing information (including information on church and police procedures), understanding individual needs and jointly working on individual support plans. If face-to-face support is also required, contact and referrals will be made with appropriate local organisations.

Contact Safe Spaces

‍Safe Spaces opening hours are as follows:

  • Monday to Friday 9am – 9pm
  • Saturday 9-1pm and Sunday from 1-5pm (excluding bank holidays, subject to review)

Phone:             0300 303 1056

Diocesan training sessions are held regularly to ensure all workers with our children and young people are familiar with the procedures and understand the importance of working to best practice at all times.

If you feel you could help support others in any way, please do get in touch as we would love to hear from you and have you as part of our team.